Friday, January 20, 2006

Whats In A Name?

How appropriate the name of this blog. What's in a name? Does it mean anything for the people outside when you take all the consideration in and decides to have name as House of The Jahanams?

It's nothing like the Village of the Damned, I hope. But what's in a name?

What's in a name? Plenty I tell you.

Example. A name can be a burden wheh you’re trying to become a sultry little pop star and you just happen to be the niece of American's public enemy number one Osama Bin Laden. We are talking about Wafah Dufour aka Bin Ladens Niece who appeared in the December issue of GQ.

What a way to start your career and what a way to start the blog eh? >=)


Finally I've found a new home. After been kicked out from the previous house for being naughty (that's what the landlord said), I decided to get my own home. Soon, I'll be inviting new tennants to join me at this new home. More, the merrier.